The Two Piece Set: Shirt No. 1 and The Peppermint Pocket Skirt

I’m not usually one to follow trends. When I know what’s in style it’s usually because I see a lot of different people popping up on my feed making similar things and looking amazing. That’s when I know something is in fashion. So when I started seeing lots of quilted and patchwork items I had to look into this further. There were two common themes: repurposing old quilts and starting from scratch yourself. Now I’ve made quilted coats in the past, but what I’ve been recently seeing is dresses, pants and vests that are quilted or rocking a patchwork look. So when I saw this green mixed print fabric I knew I had to give it a go.


This print was the perfect cheat piece. It wasn’t quilted or patchwork but looked like it. Minimal effort for maximum return. When I received it I just absolutely loved the dimension it created. I draped it across myself and knew I needed to make a two piece set. I tossed up a full jumpsuit but I loved the print so much that I wanted to make pieces I could mix and match. I knew I was going to make a top in a basic silhouette, but I couldn’t quite make my mind up with the bottom piece. It was in between pomona pants from Anna Allen Clothing or the Peppermint pocket skirt in collaboration with Paper Theory. I had made the Peppermint pocket skirt once before and absolutely loved it, so in the end that was the winner.

The great part of choosing the Peppermint pocket skirt is how easy it comes together. From cutting to finishing it took me just under 2 hours. There’s an option to topstitch the seams which I omitted for this pattern since the print was so busy and you wouldn’t see it anyway. So that shaved off some time. Also I had previously used this pattern, so my pattern was ready to go which helped with timing. The only adjustment I made to this pattern was to shorten it. I love longer hems, but not too long, and when you’re vertically challenged you always need to monitor the finished lengths. Mine was shortened by 2”. Another aspect that I constantly forget is to check the elastic required. I have a stash of 2” elastic but not 1.5” which is what this pattern calls for. Luckily I had the perfect amount in my stash leftover from a previous project. A small lesson for all, check what elastic you need before you start.

Once the skirt was done it was time to get started on the top. I decided on using the pattern shirt no.1 from 100 Acts of sewing. I had not made this pattern for over 2 years but I wore the one I had hacked into a dress to work a couple of weeks ago and received so many compliments that I thought I’d pull it out of the bottom of my stash and give it another go. It came together so fast. Easily under an hour. I had forgotten how fast boxy style tops could take. The instructions are clear and there’s an option in the pattern to alter your neckline scoop as you go so you can personalise it. For me, I just leave the pattern as is because I enjoy where the neckline cuts, but it’s nice to have that option as you sew. It also has instructions on french seams. So if you’re new to that, it’s a really great pattern for beginners.

So in under 3 hours I had my two-piece set done and I was so happy. I feel like I probably should have sized up with the shirt no.1 pattern for comfort, but my husband said that it looks perfect so I’m going to trust him. I love my new two piece set and I love revisiting old patterns so this was a win all around.


The Durban Jumpsuit By Megan Nielsen


A Warp and Weft Davenport Dress