The Moab Dress: A Blackbird Fabrics Review

Today’s post is actually a fabric review. Not a paid one I might add. Just one that I felt like writing because my poor husband is sick to death of hearing me rave about Blackbird fabrics, so I figured I’d take my Blackbird hype-train to the internet. 

This is what I called my Moab Dress. I called it this since we were in Moab last year when I came up with the idea. If you’ve not been to Moab let me describe the landscape for you. It’s beautiful red and brown rock formations everywhere and the sky is so, so blue. It’s really magical and one of my favourite National Parks. While we were resting in bed next to our sleeping kids after a fun day of hiking and pool time I was saying to my husband how I wanted to make a linen dress inspired by our trip. I pulled up all these glorious linens on the Blackbird site showing him all my favourites. He looked at me with those eyes and said “Didn’t you just buy fabric from them?” A valid and accurate question. Either way I went ahead and purchased the fabrics I wanted for this luscious dress. Even though I had bought from Blackbird recently it was a different weight of linen. Yes, there are different weights. So I was looking forward to these new weights I had purchased. Fabric nerd, I know, don’t come at me.

A couple weeks later: my rather large purchase arrives in the mail. Blackbird is located in Canada and with recent events due to the PANDEMIC, postage tends to take a bit these days even though we’re just over the border. A small price to pay if you ask me. I opened the package and wow! Really that’s all the words I had. The softest linen had arrived and it was my first time buying the viscose linen noil. Go buy some right now. Do it. I will forever be converted to this fabric. It’s so soft, drape is to die for and it feels like nothing. Perfect for summer dresses if you ask me. The others that I bought were the washed linens which I also highly recommend. I was freaking out and my husband once again just looked at me with those eyes again, the eyes of “she loves fabric more than me.” You bet ya bottom dollar I made him touch them and freak out with me and he agreed. He too is a blackbird fan. Maybe it’s the fact that “Blackbird” by the Beatles is one of his all time favourite songs…anyway, let’s not get distracted here. 

I will end this review with a lived-in update. Meaning I’ve worn this dress multiple times and I can say the linen just gets softer and more amazing with every wear and I would like to just thank Blackbird for their service to the sewing community. Do yourself a favour and check them out if you haven’t already. You will not be disappointed! Happy sewing! 


A Cosmic Bakerloo Dress


Sweater No. 18 by My Favourite Things