Hinterland Dress Hack

I've made the Hinterland dress countless amount of times and have loved the results each time. But today I brought the big sleeve game to play and made a small yet effective change!

There is no secret that the Hinterland Dress from Sew Liberated is one of my all time favourite patterns. So versatile it's crazy. But the other day when I was following everyone on the 'gram and seeing all these big sleeves I knew I had to try that trend out with the Hinterland.

So the only change I made to achieve my look was to the sleeves. I simply traced the original sleeve pattern (the 3/4 sleeve length), drew a line through the centre of the sleeve, drew two more lines where the notches are in the arm cycle and then drew a line between the centre line and the notch line on both sides. From here I cut the middle line and the two lines next to it. Added in 2" between each cut line, taped it to my tracing paper and traced my new sleeve pattern. I also added a cuff. To save time I just stole the cuff from my #sashamccalls pattern. And that's it. That's my only changes.

As far as sewing went I followed the instructions are normal and just added the cuff to the bottom of the sleeve before I inset the sleeve into the armhole. And presto, my new Hinterland was done.

I have to make a note of this incredible fabric I had from Stone Mountain Fabrics. I bought this initially for another dress but I didn't have enough so I'm glad I let it sit in the stash for a bit waiting for the right project. I wanted it to be perfect. Do you have fabric in your stash waiting for the perfect project for it? This was it for me. I should also note how amazing the staff at Stone Mountain are. They found this fabric for me when it was only showing 1/2 a yard on the website. They found it, processed my payment and it arrived in 2 days! And each person (there were 3) that I spoke to were absolutely lovely. And they even asked me if I was Australian! Extra points. No one in Utah knows where I'm from here. Tsk tsk. Anyway, totally not sponsored in any way, just wanted to let you guys know amazing they really are!


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