New Pattern Alert: The Heather Blazer

Welcome to another pattern review! I’m excited to introduce the newly released Heather Blazer pattern from Friday Pattern Company.

Now it’s no secret that I love Friday Pattern Company. The patterns themselves are divine, well written and inclusive. Chelsea’s brain child isn’t just patterns though, she’s a huge advocate for all. I’d list them all, but there’s too many. She’s played a huge part in trying to make the sewing community one that’s inclusive for all no matter your gender, sex, orientation, ethnicity, nationality etc. So that being said, I love this company and I love their patterns and together they are my favourite company. Okay, okay, I’ll stop with the gushy stuff and head straight to the review.

I was very fortunate to be asked to test the Heather Blazer pattern. Initially I was reluctant. I had never made a blazer before. I sat on it for a little bit and showed the hubby and he just looked at me and said “What you waiting for? It looks cool.” So I emailed back and I was ready to test.

This is a fully lined, over-sized fit blazer. It’s ultimate cool girl chic. Like the type that screams I model on Pinterest for hip fashion companies. So I did what I do best and headed to Pinterest to get inspo. I was seeing a lot of plaid. Like a lot. I kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and it was plaid, plaid and plaid. Then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I knew what i needed to do. I had a wool plaid sitting in my stash for about 3 years now. It was vintage deadstock fabric from Ireland. I found it on Etsy years ago because I was instantly drawn to the colours. Now there was only one problem, the problem that had kept it in my stash for so long. This fabric had been cut into strips. Yep, you heard that right. I bought it in STRIPS. I loved it so much that I bought all the remnants.

My heart was set on making this happen but even with combining these strips I didn’t have enough. What was I to do? Once again, the hubby came in for the save. He told me, you know you’re really known for mixing your fabrics in jumpsuits, why can’t you do the same with the blazer. It was then that I remembered I had quite a uniquely coloured green Pendleton wool I had picked up from Harmony 1.5 years earlier. I loved it because it was an interesting green (not quite yellow, not quite green) but never really knew what to make with it. Can you believe I had both these fabrics in my stash and never realised they were the perfect match? How could I be so blind? To top it off, I had this bright, almost fuchsia, pink lining fabric I had picked up second hand from Clever Octopus in SLC for a whopping $2! It matched the pink stripe through the plaid perfectly. It was a done deal, but it was only the beginning.

I began reading my instructions and had decided on my size based on my measurements. I sent the pattern to get printed and awaited it’s arrival like a little kid waiting for Santa on Christmas eve. It arrived 3 days later and guess what? The pattern pieces were huggggeeeeeee!!!!! I was like what happened? I consulted the instructions once again and, in my excitement, committed a rookie mistake. I did not pay attention to the finished garment measurements. What a silly goose. So off I went again to print the smaller size packet. Another 3 days went by and I finally had my pattern pieces. I opted to make the XL. I usually make XL across the board for Friday Pattern Company which is nice to see consistency across the brand.

Now, let’s talk pattern pieces. I’m not going to lie there’s a lot, but I really enjoyed it in the end. I don’t love patterns that make you cut lining pieces from the main pieces. I personally find it a bit of a hassle, but that was not the case with the Heather. I got all my pieces cut and was ready to go. But guess what? I missed a really important note in the instructions yet again! I needed two different types of interfacing. So I ordered the knit interfacing and woven interfacing. Be sure to grab yours too. It’s worth it, I promise.

The sew up was fairly uneventful, meaning it was a breeze. There’s only one real section I kind of got my wires crossed, but Chelsea has wonderfully included a video to help. Honestly, it was mostly because I was sewing late so if you’re not brain dead from children at 11pm you’ll be fine.

The only change I made on mine was putting my button and buttonhole about an inch higher. That’s just my preference since I’m all legs and tiny torso. Overall the fit is incredible. I was a little nervous since the last time I wore a blazer was when I worked in the corporate world, and it was black and I was pre-kids. That’s all I ever associated blazers with, but this really is something else. It’s the perfect amount of over-sized so you’re not swimming in it. The lining looks super professional and fits like a dream. You know when linings can either be too loose or too tight? Not this one, it’s perfection. I’ve got great movement on my arms (another issue I’ve encountered with blazers my whole life). I wasn’t expecting this to tick all the boxes of addressing issues I’ve had with blazers before but it did and I am in love.

Do yourself a favour and check out this pattern. Whether you want it for casual means to be rocking this pandemic like a Pinterest model or whether you need it for zoom meetings for business on the top while you’re in pjs at the bottom, this is your pattern. Even though I tested this pattern this does not influence my feelings towards this piece of excellence. These words and opinions are my own and I hope that they help give you an idea on how much I really ended up loving this make.


A Beginner’s Guide to Dyeing Fabric


Made With Harmony